Gold Medal
추후 삭제 예정 배너로 대체
메인화면바로가기 전체교육과정 빠른강좌검색 최근인기검색어 고객센터 서식모음 은행입금계좌/카드결제안내 회사소개
제 목 주말실전 700 FINAL 핸드아웃 2-2 누락정답
작성자 김*기 작성일 2013-04-25 조회수 2784
파 일 핸드아웃누락답변.hwp 핸드아웃누락답변.hwp  

101. (on) the outside of
102. N (we) discussed
103. increase copies from 5 to 7
104. significant (gains)
105. (tightly)
106. are (responsible) for
107. a (selection) of
108. so.... (that)
109. than it (ever) had
110. (limit) A to B
111. (regularly)
112. the recently (issued) N
113. (In addition to)
114. two letters of (recommendation)
115. (Anyone) wishing to V
116. The sponsors (will be announced)
117. (Since) S +V, S+V
118. a (beneficial) effect
119. (within) seven days
120. (will depend) on
121. complete with everything needed to make a bunk bed (except) tools
122. a (lasting) impression
123. the handbook (outlines) the responsibilities
124. S (accidentally) V
125. the meetings should be (conducted)
126. N and (promotion)
127. (among) 사람 복수명사
128. ,(whichever) more convenient
129. eliminate it (altogether)
130. the (proposal) for
131. (so that) S can
132. (Widely) fluctuating temperature
133. the contract is clearly (straightforward)
134. S (will have completed).... by the time it V
135. expand its (presence) in Asia
136. grant an (extended) deadline
137. if you find any physical (defects) in merchandise and products,
138. (provided that) it meets
139. ,(thereby) increasing....
140 are prohibited from parking the car in restricted areas (without) prior authorization.

Part 6

141. You want to be (considerate) of your neighbors
142. received complaints about (noise) in the garden areas
143. We (respectfully) ask that
144. (describe)
145. We use a computerized system (to track)
146. (possessions)
147. (await)
148. make it a premier (destination)
149. email will be sent to you (promptly)
150. one of the leading (distributors)
151. prices..... (rates)
152. no matter how many magazines you read...., youll receive (only) one bill

153. (B)
154. (C)
155. (B)
156. (D)
157. (C)
158. (A)
159. (C)
160. (C)
161. (C)
162. (B)
163. (C)
164. (A)
165. (B)
166. (B)
167. (D)
168. (C)
169. (B)
170. (C)
171. (A)
172. (C)
173. (C)
174. (D)
175. (B)
176. (A)
177. (C)
178. (D)
179. (D)
180. (A)
181. (A)
182. (B)
183. (C)
184. (A)
185. (B)
186. (B)
187. (A)
188. (B)
189. (D)
190. (B)
191. (A)
192. (D)
193. (C)
194. (A)
195. (B)
196. (B)
197. (C)
198. (D)
199. (A)
200. (A)
번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회
5 김*기 2013-04-25 2794
4 김*기 2013-04-25 2784
3 이*훈 2013-04-25 1961
2 김*기 2013-04-26 2176
1 김*기 2013-04-20 2648


아이파세무사아카데미 아이파전산재경센터 경영지도사아카데미 아이파토익 실무교육센터 E-Aifa 아이파북스
서울특별시 서초구 서초동 1639-13 혜광빌딩 | 대표이사 구순서 | 개인정보관리책임자 곽현규 대리
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